Monday, 9 December 2019

Search and learn

Search an educational website and get the information on different subjects and learn

Activity done by Students of class VII

Saturday, 7 December 2019

Friday, 6 December 2019


Best Users of Library 2019-20
 Nivedita Class VI

 Medhavi Class VI

 Divya Shukla class VII

 Riddhi Class VII

 Vineet Kumar Class VII

 MD Owais Class VIII

 kalpana Bhatt Class VIII

 Sanskriti Shukla Class VIII
                                           Anshuman Tiwari Class VIII

 Sneha Ranjan Class VIII

 Rajshree Chaudhary Class IX

 Altabas Khan Class IX

 Shreya Bhaskar Class X
Ashutosh Chaudhary X

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Happy Constitution Day 26 November 2019

26 NOV 2019
Happy Constitution Day 2019
एक प्रधान,
एक विधान,
एक निशान,
एक संविधान और
एक हिंदुस्तान।
आज भारतीय संविधान के बने 70 साल हो गए हैं। संविधान दिवस हर साल 26 नवंबर को मनाया जाता है, जिस दिन भारत के संविधान मसौदे को अपनाया गया था। 26 जनवरी 1950 को भारत का संविधान लागू होने से पहले 26 नवंबर 1949 को इसे अपनाया गया था। संविधान सभा के सदस्यों का पहला सेशन 9 दिसंबर 1947 को आयोजित हुआ। इसमें संविधान सभा के 207 सदस्य थे। संविधान की ड्रॉफ्टिंग कमेटी के अध्यक्ष डॉ बी आर अंबेडकर थे। इन्हें भारत के संविधान का निर्माता भी कहा जाता हैl सविधान सभा के सदस्यों ने हाथ ले लिखी गई दो कॉपियों (हिंदी और अंग्रेजी) पर हस्ताक्षर किए। संविधान ने भी कई करवट लिए और संविधान की रक्षा करने वाले और पालन करने वालों ने भी इसे कड़वे और मीठे रूप में हर हाल में स्वीकारा भी। पर गुलामी के खिलाफ लड़ते हुए जिस कठिनाई से गुजरते हुए हमें आजादी मिली और कितने परिश्रम और शोध के ये संविधान बना |

Friday, 22 November 2019

Importance of Yoga for Students

Everyone knows that yoga is a great way to reduce stress; however, for students practicing may be especially important. Meeting deadlines, sitting for hours in front of the computer and simply experiencing anxiety can be fixed with doing yoga exercises.

Higher Academic Performance

At times, many students find studying process quite stressful, so it might require a lot of mental and physical efforts. In 2009 International Journal of Yoga conducted a study during which the performance of 300 students was tested. All students were doing breathing and meditation exercises for seven weeks, and the results were extraordinary in terms of regulating stress levels and progressing in an overall academic performance.

Improvement in the Memory Span

In 2015 the journal Evidence-Based and Complementary Medicine conducted a study involving 95 students with the conclusion that usual physical education classes were less effective than practicing yoga. The result of doing yoga was such that it helped improve memory and, subsequently, it let keeping academic performance on a high level.

Improvment in the Attention Span

Usually being a student means that you are full of energy and ideas, so concentrating can be not so easy to achieve at times. According to many studies, practicing yoga can substantially help control the power of attention even in really hyperactive students.

Making New Friends

Having a yoga class regularly will give you an opportunity to meet new people. You will be able to get into a community of those who are striving for a healthy lifestyle and who will share your interests. It is a great benefit, as you will be able to have someone who can help you maintain your positive spirit and motivation. Also, it is great to have new friends in order to improve your communication skills and get new connections which can potentially be helpful for you in the future.

Building Determination Habit

Being a student at times is a very challenging experience for many. Very often completing a homework task can be a really difficult goal to achieve. Doing yoga is not easy and if it is practiced on a regular basis, such skill as determination gets boosted in you and becomes a habit that can manifest itself in your academic performance.
Very often yoga is considered to be an activity which is mainly aimed at a physical improvement of the body. However, the positive influence of yoga on mental health was proven by many studies. It alleviates the pressure, teaches self-control, boosts determination and helps keep the mind in peace. Being a student is an important and at times complicated period of life, so some help in coping with all the pressure might be very handy. If you want to stay healthy and boost your academic performance, yoga is the practice that will effectively help you reach your goals.

How to Develop Your Study Skills. Infographics

Things to check before using educational technology

If you have decided to use computers in your curriculum, then you should be prepared in advance. Even if you are well-aware of everything, if your students know what to do, you should consider all the details and situations as everything can happen. Check out the following list of things to do before using a computer room.
  1. Get to know whether the computer room is still available, there may be some changes in a timetable or some equipment may be on repair.
  2. If the room is free, then check whether there`s any help for pupils with software usage. You can ask the ICT coordinator to bring some guides or you may create posters with keys by yourself and use them during the lesson.
  3. Check the number of computers available, whether all of them work in an appropriate way, as this matters much to the way you organize your work during the lesson.
  4. Check whether printing is possible, and whether you need to bring your own printing paper.
  5. Check whether necessary software is installed and works.
  6. Upload files and materials you need for the lesson on the computers, if there`s Internet connection you may share it there. You may ask a coordinator to help you with this.
  7. Check whether it will be easy for pupils to get needed files. Think of directions you can tell them to find the materials quickly.
  8. Check whether pupils need to have own user`s ID to log in the Internet. If yes, make sure you bring the passwords.
  9. Check whether these IDs will let students use the materials you have prepared for them. Do this in advance not to waste time solving problems during the lesson.
  10. Make sure you can quickly demonstrate your presentation on the whiteboard. If you are not sure in something, then ask a coordinator and get prepared for the lesson. Think of all the nuances that may happen.
  11. Pupils should use computers with a certain goal not just because you have booked a computer room.
  12. Prepare some additional activities, which can be done without computers in case there`s no electricity or something goes wrong in the middle of a lesson.
  13. If you would like to use some websites, then check whether they are not blocked by the school computer system, check the ads, which appear, whether they are not pornographic ones.
  14. If you are going to ask students to do some research work on the lesson, prepare some sources to warm them up and show what exactly they should look for.

Saturday, 5 October 2019

महात्मा गांधी- प्रश्नोत्तरी

1.       महात्मा गांधी के पिता का नाम करमचंद गांधी था. उनकी मां का नाम था?
अ) पुतलीबाई
ब) लक्ष्मीबाई
स) अहिल्याबाई
द) कस्तूरबा गांधी
उत्तर अ) पुतलीबाई

    2. स्कूल के दिनों में देखे कौन से नाटक ने बालक गांधी के मन पर सबसे ज्यादा प्रभाव डाला था?
अ) श्रवण कुमार
ब) हरिश्चंद्र
स) सच्चा-झूठा
द) रामायण
उत्तर हरिश्चंद्र

3. महात्मा गांधी का विवाह कितने वर्ष की आयु में हुआ ?
अ) 18 वर्ष
ब) 9 वर्ष
स) 13 वर्ष
द) 15 वर्ष
         उत्तर स) 13 वर्ष

4.  गांधी के पिता करमचंद गांधी को किस उपनाम से भी जाना जाता था ?
अ) श्रीमान गांधी
ब) वकील बाबू
स) कबा गांधी
द) दीवान साहेब
      उत्तर   स) कबा गांधी  
5.  महात्मा गांधी का जन्म गुजरात के किस शहर में हुआ था ?
अ) पोरबंदर
ब) राजकोट
स) बड़ौदा
द) गांधीनगर
उत्तर   अ) पोरबंदर

6. दक्षिण अफ्रीका में किस स्टेशन पर गांधी को ट्रेन से उतार दिया गया ?
अ) डरबन
ब) मारित्जबर्ग
स) नटाल
द) जोहानेसबर्ग
    उत्तर ब) मारित्जबर्ग

7. भारत आने के बाद गांधीजी का सबसे पहला आंदोलन था ?
अ) नमक सत्याग्रह
ब) असहयोग आंदोलन
स) चंपारण सत्याग्रह
द) स्वदेशी आंदोलन
उत्तर स) चंपारण सत्याग्रह  
8. महात्मा गांधी के सीने में 3 गोलियां मारकर उनकी हत्या कर दी गई थी. वह साल और तारीख थी?
अ)14 जनवरी 1947
ब) 30 मार्च 1948
स) 30 जनवरी 1948
द) 31 मार्च 1947
उत्तर स) 30 जनवरी 1948

9..महात्मा गाँधी ने साबरमती आश्रम की स्थापना कहा की थी ?
स)साउथ अफ्रीका
उत्तर ब)अहमदाबाद

10. महात्मा गाँधी ने सर्वप्रथम किस आन्दोलन के दौरान भूख हड़ताल को अपना अस्त्र बनाया ?
अ) अहमदाबाद आन्दोलन
ब) चिपको आन्दोलन
स) सत्याग्रह आन्दोलन
द) नमक बचाओ आन्दोलन

उत्तर अ) अहमदाबाद आन्दोलन